CFA Datastore in Xarray

class cfapyx.datastore.CFADataStore(manager, group=None, mode=None, lock=CombinedLock([<SerializableLock: 751ed298-41c9-4e73-811b-bebecf5ab363>, <SerializableLock: 18edd4a3-c608-4a13-9977-0f5d0c1f0eca>]), autoclose=False)[source]

DataStore container for the CFA-netCDF loaded file. Contains all unpacking routines directly related to the specific variables and attributes. The NetCDF4Datastore Xarray class from which this class inherits, has an __init__ method which cannot easily be overriden, so properties are used instead for specific variables that may be un-set at time of use.

property cfa_options

Property of the datastore that relates private option variables to the standard cfa_options parameter.

perform_decoding(array_shape, agg_data)[source]

Public method perform_decoding involves extracting the aggregated information parameters and assembling the required information for actual decoding.


Fetch the netCDF4.Dataset variables and perform some CFA decoding if necessary.

ds is now a GroupedDatasetWrapper object from which has flattened the group structure and allows fetching of variables and attributes from the whole group tree from which a specific group may inherit.


A FrozenDict Xarray object of the names of all variables, and methods to fetch those variables, depending on if those variables are standard NetCDF4 or CFA Aggregated variables.


Produce the FrozenDict of attributes from the NetCDF4.Dataset or CFAGroupWrapper in the case of using a group or nested group tree.

open_variable(name: str, var)[source]

Open a CFA-netCDF variable as either a standard NetCDF4 Datastore variable or as a CFA aggregated variable which requires additional decoding.

  • name – (str) A named NetCDF4 variable.

  • var – (obj) The NetCDF4.Variable object or a tuple with the contents (NetCDF4.Variable, cfa) where cfa is a bool that determines if the variable is a CFA or standard variable.


The variable object opened as either a standard store variable or CFA aggregated variable.

open_cfa_variable(name: str, var)[source]

Open a CFA Aggregated variable with the correct parameters to create an Xarray Variable instance.

  • name – (str) A named NetCDF4 variable.

  • var – (obj) The NetCDF4.Variable object or a tuple with the contents (NetCDF4.Variable, cfa) where cfa is a bool that determines if the variable is a CFA or standard variable.


An xarray Variable instance constructed from the attributes provided here, and data provided by a FragmentArrayWrapper which is indexed by Xarray’s LazilyIndexedArray class.