__author__ = "Daniel Westwood"
__contact__ = "daniel.westwood@stfc.ac.uk"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024 United Kingdom Research and Innovation"
import logging
import re
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
from xarray.backends import NetCDF4DataStore
from xarray.coding.variables import pop_to
from xarray.core import indexing
from xarray.core.utils import FrozenDict
from xarray.core.variable import Variable
from cfapyx.decoder import get_fragment_extents, get_fragment_positions
from cfapyx.group import CFAGroupWrapper
from cfapyx.wrappers import FragmentArrayWrapper
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
xarray_subs = {
class CFADataStore(NetCDF4DataStore):
DataStore container for the CFA-netCDF loaded file. Contains all unpacking routines
directly related to the specific variables and attributes. The ``NetCDF4Datastore``
Xarray class from which this class inherits, has an ``__init__`` method which
cannot easily be overriden, so properties are used instead for specific variables
that may be un-set at time of use.
def chunks(self):
if hasattr(self,'_cfa_chunks'):
return self._cfa_chunks
return None
def chunks(self, value):
self._cfa_chunks = value
def cfa_options(self):
Property of the datastore that relates private option variables to the standard
``cfa_options`` parameter.
return {
'substitutions': self._substitutions,
'decode_cfa': self._decode_cfa,
'chunks': self.chunks,
'chunk_limits': self._chunk_limits,
'use_active': self.use_active
def cfa_options(self, value):
def _set_cfa_options(
Method to set cfa options.
:param substitutions: (dict) Set of provided substitutions to Xarray,
following the CFA conventions on substitutions.
:param decode_cfa: (bool) Optional setting to disable CFA decoding
in some cases, default is True.
:param use_active: (bool) Enable for use with XarrayActive.
:param chunks: (dict) Not implemented in 2024.9.0
:param chunk_limits: (dict) Not implemented in 2024.9.0
self.chunks = chunks
self._substitutions = substitutions
self._decode_cfa = decode_cfa
self._chunk_limits = chunk_limits
self.use_active = use_active
def _acquire(self, needs_lock=True):
Fetch the global or group dataset from the Datastore Caching Manager (NetCDF4)
with self._manager.acquire_context(needs_lock) as root:
ds = CFAGroupWrapper.open(root, self._group, self._mode)
self.conventions = ds.Conventions
return ds
def _decode_feature_data(self, feature_data, readd={}):
Decode the value of an object which is expected to be of the form of a
``feature: variable`` blank-separated element list.
parts = re.split(': | ',feature_data)
# Anything that uses a ':' needs to be readded after the previous step.
for k, v in readd:
for p in parts:
return {k: v for k, v in zip(parts[0::2], parts[1::2])}
def _check_applied_conventions(self, agg_data):
Check that the aggregated data complies with the conventions specified in the
CFA-netCDF file
required = ('shape', 'location', 'address')
if 'CFA-0.6.2' in self.conventions.split(' '):
required = ('location', 'file', 'format')
for feature in required:
if feature not in agg_data:
raise ValueError(
f'CFA-netCDF file is not compliant with {self.conventions} '
f'Required aggregated data features: "{required}", '
f'Received "{tuple(agg_data.keys())}"'
def _perform_decoding(
Private method for performing the decoding of the standard ``fragment array
variables``. Any convention version-specific adjustments should be made prior
to decoding with this function, namely in the public method of the same name.
:param shape: (obj) The integer-valued ``shape`` fragment array variable
defines the shape of each fragment's data in its canonical
form. CF-1.12 section 2.8.1
:param address: (obj) The ``address`` fragment array variable, that may
have any data type, defines how to find each fragment
within its fragment dataset. CF-1.12 section 2.8.1
:param location: (obj) The string-valued ``location`` fragment array
variable defines the locations of fragment datasets using
Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). CF-1.12 section 2.8.1
:param value: (obj) *Optional* unique data value to fill a fragment array
where the data values within the fragment are all the same.
:param cformat: (str) *Optional* ``format`` argument if provided by the
CFA-netCDF or cfa-options parameters. CFA-0.6.2
:param substitutions: (dict) Set of substitutions to apply in the form 'base':'sub'
:returns: (fragment_info) A dictionary of fragment metadata where each
key is the coordinates of a fragment in index space and the
value is a dictionary of the attributes specific to that
fragment_info = {}
# Extract non-padded fragment sizes per dimension.
fragment_size_per_dim = [i.compressed().tolist() for i in shape]
# Derive the total shape of the fragment array in all fragmented dimensions.
fragment_space = [len(fsize) for fsize in fragment_size_per_dim]
# Obtain the positions of each fragment in index space.
fragment_positions = get_fragment_positions(fragment_size_per_dim)
global_extent, extent, shapes = get_fragment_extents(
if value is not None:
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This fragment contains a constant value, not file
# locations.
# --------------------------------------------------------
fragment_space = value.shape
fragment_info = {
frag_pos: {
"shape": shapes[frag_pos],
"fill_value": value[frag_pos].item(),
"global_extent": global_extent[frag_pos],
"extent": extent[frag_pos],
"format": "full",
for frag_pos in fragment_positions
return fragment_info, fragment_space
if not address.ndim: # Scalar address
addr = address.getValue()
adtype = np.array(addr).dtype
address = np.full(fragment_space, addr, dtype=adtype)
if cformat != '':
if not cformat.ndim:
cft = cformat.getValue()
npdtype = np.array(cft).dtype
cformat = np.full(fragment_space, cft, dtype=npdtype)
for frag_pos in fragment_positions:
fragment_info[frag_pos] = {
"shape" : shapes[frag_pos],
"location" : location[frag_pos],
"address" : address[frag_pos],
"extent" : extent[frag_pos],
"global_extent": global_extent[frag_pos]
if hasattr(cformat, 'shape'):
fragment_info[frag_pos]["format"] = cformat[frag_pos]
# Apply string substitutions to the fragment filenames
if substitutions:
for value in fragment_info.values():
for base, sub in substitutions.items():
if isinstance(value['location'], str):
value["location"] = value["location"].replace(base, sub)
for v in value["location"]:
v = v.replace(base, sub)
return fragment_info, fragment_space
# Public class methods
# Combine substitutions with known defaults for using in xarray.
def get_variables(self):
Fetch the netCDF4.Dataset variables and perform some CFA decoding if
``ds`` is now a ``GroupedDatasetWrapper`` object from ``CFAPyX.group`` which
has flattened the group structure and allows fetching of variables and
attributes from the whole group tree from which a specific group may inherit.
:returns: A ``FrozenDict`` Xarray object of the names of all variables,
and methods to fetch those variables, depending on if those
variables are standard NetCDF4 or CFA Aggregated variables.
if not self._decode_cfa:
return FrozenDict(
(k, self.open_variable(k, v)) for k, v in self.ds.variables.items()
# Determine CFA-aggregated variables
all_vars, real_vars = {}, {}
fragment_array_vars = []
## Ignore variables in the set of standardised terms.
for avar in self.ds.variables.keys():
cfa = False
## CF-Compliant method of identifying aggregated variables.
if hasattr(self.ds.variables[avar], 'aggregated_dimensions'):
cfa = True
agg_data = self.ds.variables[avar].aggregated_data.split(' ')
for vname in agg_data:
fragment_array_vars += re.split(': | ',vname)
all_vars[avar] = (self.ds.variables[avar], cfa)
# Ignore fragment array variables at this stage of decoding.
for var in all_vars.keys():
if var not in fragment_array_vars:
real_vars[var] = all_vars[var]
return FrozenDict(
(k, self.open_variable(k, v)) for k, v in real_vars.items()
def get_attrs(self):
Produce the FrozenDict of attributes from the ``NetCDF4.Dataset`` or
``CFAGroupWrapper`` in the case of using a group or nested group tree.
return FrozenDict((k, self.ds.getncattr(k)) for k in self.ds.ncattrs())
def open_variable(self, name: str, var):
Open a CFA-netCDF variable as either a standard NetCDF4 Datastore variable
or as a CFA aggregated variable which requires additional decoding.
:param name: (str) A named NetCDF4 variable.
:param var: (obj) The NetCDF4.Variable object or a tuple with the contents
``(NetCDF4.Variable, cfa)`` where ``cfa`` is a bool that
determines if the variable is a CFA or standard variable.
:returns: The variable object opened as either a standard store variable
or CFA aggregated variable.
if type(var) == tuple:
if var[1] and self._decode_cfa:
variable = self.open_cfa_variable(name, var[0])
variable = self.open_store_variable(name, var[0])
variable = self.open_store_variable(name, var)
return variable
def open_cfa_variable(self, name: str, var):
Open a CFA Aggregated variable with the correct parameters to create an
Xarray ``Variable`` instance.
:param name: (str) A named NetCDF4 variable.
:param var: (obj) The NetCDF4.Variable object or a tuple with the
contents ``(NetCDF4.Variable, cfa)`` where ``cfa`` is
a bool that determines if the variable is a CFA or
standard variable.
:returns: An xarray ``Variable`` instance constructed from the
attributes provided here, and data provided by a
``FragmentArrayWrapper`` which is indexed by Xarray's
``LazilyIndexedArray`` class.
real_dims = {
d: self.ds.dimensions[d].size for d in var.aggregated_dimensions.split(' ')
agg_data = self._decode_feature_data(var.aggregated_data)
## Array Metadata
dimensions = tuple(real_dims.keys())
array_shape = tuple(real_dims.values())
fragment_info, fragment_space = self.perform_decoding(array_shape, agg_data)
units = ''
if hasattr(var, 'units'):
units = getattr(var, 'units')
if hasattr(var, 'aggregated_units'):
units = getattr(var, 'aggregated_units')
## Get non-aggregated attributes.
attributes = {}
for k in var.ncattrs():
if 'aggregated' not in k:
attributes[k] = var.getncattr(k)
## Array-like object
data = indexing.LazilyIndexedArray(
encoding = {}
if isinstance(var.datatype, netCDF4.EnumType):
encoding["dtype"] = np.dtype(
"enum": var.datatype.enum_dict,
"enum_name": var.datatype.name,
encoding["dtype"] = var.dtype
if data.dtype.kind == "S" and "_FillValue" in attributes:
attributes["_FillValue"] = np.bytes_(attributes["_FillValue"])
filters = var.filters()
if filters is not None:
chunking = var.chunking()
if chunking is not None:
if chunking == "contiguous":
encoding["contiguous"] = True
encoding["chunksizes"] = None
encoding["contiguous"] = False
encoding["chunksizes"] = tuple(chunking)
encoding["preferred_chunks"] = dict(zip(var.dimensions, chunking))
# TODO: figure out how to round-trip "endian-ness" without raising
# warnings from netCDF4
# encoding['endian'] = var.endian()
pop_to(attributes, encoding, "least_significant_digit")
# save source so __repr__ can detect if it's local or not
encoding["source"] = self._filename
encoding["original_shape"] = data.shape
v = Variable(dimensions, data, attributes, encoding)
return v