Source code for cfapyx.wrappers

__author__    = "Daniel Westwood"
__contact__   = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024 United Kingdom Research and Innovation"

import math
from itertools import product

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
from arraypartition import (ArrayLike, ArrayPartition, combine_slices,
                            get_chunk_extent, get_chunk_positions,
                            get_chunk_shape, get_chunk_space, get_dask_chunks,
from dask.array.core import getter
from dask.array.reductions import numel
from dask.base import tokenize
from dask.utils import SerializableLock, is_arraylike

    from XarrayActive import ActiveOptionsContainer
    class ActiveOptionsContainer:

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class CFAOptionsMixin: """ Simple container for CFA options properties. """ __slots__ = ( 'chunks', '_chunk_limits', '_substitutions', '_decode_cfa' ) @property def cfa_options(self): """ Relates private option variables to the ``cfa_options`` parameter of the backend. """ return { 'substitutions': self._substitutions, 'decode_cfa': self._decode_cfa, 'chunks': self.chunks, 'chunk_limits':self._chunk_limits } @cfa_options.setter def cfa_options(self, value): self._set_cfa_options(**value) def _set_cfa_options( self, substitutions=None, decode_cfa=None, chunks={}, chunk_limits=None, use_active=False, **kwargs): """ Sets the private variables referred by the ``cfa_options`` parameter to the backend. Ignores additional kwargs. """ self._substitutions = substitutions self._decode_cfa = decode_cfa self._chunk_limits = chunk_limits self.chunks = chunks self.use_active = use_active
[docs] class FragmentArrayWrapper(ArrayLike, CFAOptionsMixin, ActiveOptionsContainer): """ FragmentArrayWrapper behaves like an Array that can be indexed or referenced to return a Dask-like array object. This class is essentially a constructor for the partitions that feed into the returned Dask-like array into Xarray. """ description = 'Wrapper-class for the array of fragment objects'
[docs] def __init__( self, fragment_info, fragment_space, shape, units, dtype, cfa_options={}, named_dims=None ): """ Initialisation method for the FragmentArrayWrapper class :param fragment_info: (dict) The information relating to each fragment with the fragment coordinates in ``fragment space`` as the key. Each fragment is described by the following: - ``shape`` - The shape of the fragment in ``array space``. - ``location`` - The file from which this fragment originates. - ``address`` - The variable and group name relating to this variable. - ``extent`` - The slice object to apply to the fragment on retrieval (usually get the whole array) - ``global_extent`` - The slice object that equates to a particular fragment out of the whole array (in ``array space``). :param fragment_space: (tuple) The coordinate system that refers to individual fragments. Each coordinate eg. i, j, k refers to the number of fragments in each of the associated dimensions. :param shape: (tuple) The total shape of the array in ``array space`` :param units: (obj) The units of the values represented in this Array-like class. :param dtype: (obj) The datatype of the values represented in this Array-like class. :param cfa_options: (dict) The set of options defining some specific decoding behaviour. :param named_dims: (list) The set of dimension names that apply to this Array object. :returns: None """ self.fragment_info = fragment_info self.fragment_space = fragment_space self.named_dims = named_dims super().__init__(shape, dtype=dtype, units=units) # Set internal private variables self.cfa_options = cfa_options self._apply_substitutions() self.__array_function__ = self.__array__
[docs] def __getitem__(self, selection): """ Non-lazy retrieval of the dask array when this object is indexed. """ arr = self.__array__() return arr[tuple(selection)]
[docs] def __array__(self): """ Non-lazy array construction, this will occur as soon as the instance is ``indexed`` or any other ``array`` behaviour is attempted. Construction of a Dask-like array occurs here based on the decoded fragment info and any other specified settings. """ array_name = (f"{self.__class__.__name__}-{tokenize(self)}",) dtype = self.dtype units = self.units calendar = None # Fix later # Fragment info dict at this point fragment_info = self.fragment_info # For now expect to deal only with NetCDF Files # dict of array-like objects to pass to the dask Array constructor. fragments = {} for pos in self.fragment_info.keys(): fragment_shape = self.fragment_info[pos]['shape'] fragment_position = pos global_extent = self.fragment_info[pos]['global_extent'] extent = self.fragment_info[pos]['extent'] fragment_format = 'nc' if 'fill_value' in self.fragment_info[pos]: filename = None address = None # Extra handling required for this condition. else: filename = self.fragment_info[pos]['location'] address = self.fragment_info[pos]['address'] # Wrong extent type for both scenarios but keep as a different label for # dask chunking. fragment = CFAPartition( filename, address, dtype=dtype, extent=extent, shape=fragment_shape, position=fragment_position, aggregated_units=units, aggregated_calendar=calendar, format=fragment_format, named_dims=self.named_dims, global_extent=global_extent ) fragments[pos] = fragment if not self.chunks: dsk = self._assemble_dsk_dict(fragments, array_name) global_extent = { k: fragment_info[k]["global_extent"] for k in fragment_info.keys() } dask_chunks = get_dask_chunks( self.shape, self.fragment_space, extent=global_extent, dtype=self.dtype, explicit_shapes=None ) else: dask_chunks, partitions = self._create_partitions(fragments) dsk = self._assemble_dsk_dict(partitions, array_name) darr = self._assemble_array(dsk, array_name[0], dask_chunks) return darr
def _optimise_chunks(self): """ Replace the keyword ``optimised`` in the provided chunks with a chunk size for the specified dimension that will be most optimised. The optimal chunk sizes are such that the number of chunks is close to a power of 2.""" auto_chunks = {} for c in self.chunks: if self.chunks[c] == 'optimised': auto_chunks[c] = 'auto' else: auto_chunks[c] = self.chunks[c] nchunks = normalize_partition_chunks( auto_chunks, self.shape, self.dtype, self.named_dims ) # For each 'optimised' dimension, take the log2 of the number of chunks (len) # and round to the nearest integer. Divide the array length by 2^(this number) and # round again to give the optimised chunk size for that dimension. for x, nd in enumerate(self.named_dims): if nd not in self.chunks: continue if self.chunks[nd] == 'optimised': nchunk = len(nchunks[x]) power = round(math.log2(nchunk)) opsize = round(self.shape[x]/2**power) self.chunks[nd] = opsize def _create_partitions(self, fragments): """ Creates a partition structure that falls along the existing fragment boundaries. This is done by simply chunking each fragment given the user provided chunks, rather than the whole array, because user provided chunk sizes apply to each fragment equally. :param fragments: (dict) The set of fragment objects (CFAPartitions) in ``fragment space`` before any chunking is applied. :returns: The set of dask chunks to provide to dask when building the array and the corresponding set of copied fragment objects for each partition. """ if 'optimised' in self.chunks.items(): # Running on standard dask chunking mode. self._optimise_chunks() dask_chunks = [[] for i in range(self.ndim)] fragment_coverage = [[] for i in range(self.ndim)] for dim in range(self.ndim): for x in range(self.fragment_space[dim]): # Position eg. 0, 0, X position = [0 for i in range(self.ndim)] position[dim] = x fragment = fragments[tuple(position)] dchunks = normalize_partition_chunks( # Needs the chunks self.chunks, fragment.shape, dtype=self.dtype, named_dims=self.named_dims ) dask_chunks[dim] += dchunks[dim] fragment_coverage[dim].append(len(dchunks[dim])) def outer_cumsum(array): cumsum = np.cumsum(array) cumsum = np.append(cumsum, 0) return np.roll(cumsum,1) def global_combine(internal, external): local = [] for dim in range(len(internal)): start = internal[dim].start - external[dim].start stop = internal[dim].stop - external[dim].start local.append(slice(start,stop)) return local fragment_cumul = [outer_cumsum(d) for d in fragment_coverage] partition_cumul = [outer_cumsum(p) for p in dask_chunks] partition_space = [len(d) for d in dask_chunks] partitions = {} partition_coords = get_chunk_positions(partition_space) for coord in partition_coords: fragment_coord = [] internal = [] for dim, c in enumerate(coord): cumulative = fragment_cumul[dim] if c < cumulative[0]: cumul = cumulative[0] else: cumul = max(filter(lambda l: l <= c, cumulative)) fc = np.where(cumulative == cumul)[0] fragment_coord.append(int(fc.squeeze())) ext = slice( partition_cumul[dim][c], partition_cumul[dim][c+1] ) internal.append(ext) # Currently applying GLOBAl extent not internal extent to each fragment. source = fragments[tuple(fragment_coord)] external = source.global_extent extent = global_combine(internal, external) partitions[coord] = source.copy(extent=extent) return dask_chunks, partitions def _assemble_dsk_dict(self, partitions, array_name): """ Assemble the base ``dsk`` task dependency graph which includes the fragment objects plus the method to index each object (with locking). :param partitions: (dict) The set of partition objects (CFAPartition) with their positions in the relevant ``space``. :returns: A task dependency graph with all the partitions included to use when constructing the dask array. """ dsk = {} for part_position in partitions.keys(): part = partitions[part_position] p_identifier = f"{part.__class__.__name__}-{tokenize(part)}" dsk[p_identifier] = part dsk[array_name + part_position] = ( getter, p_identifier, part.get_extent(), False, getattr(part, "_lock", False) # Check version cf-python ) return dsk def _apply_substitutions(self): """ Perform substitutions for this fragment array. """ if not self._substitutions: return if type(self._substitutions) != list: self._substitutions = [self._substitutions] for s in self._substitutions: base, substitution = s.split(':') for f in self.fragment_info.keys(): if isinstance(self.fragment_info[f]['location'], str): self.fragment_info[f]['location'] = self.fragment_info[f]['location'].replace(base, substitution) else: for finfo in self.fragment_info[f]['location']: finfo = finfo.replace(base, substitution) def _assemble_array(self, dsk, array_name, dask_chunks): """ Assemble the dask/dask-like array for this FragmentArrayWrapper from the assembled ``dsk`` dict and set of dask chunks. Also provides an array name for the dask tree to register. """ meta = da.empty(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype) if not hasattr(self, 'use_active'): darr = da.Array(dsk, array_name, chunks=dask_chunks, dtype=self.dtype, meta=meta) return darr if not self.use_active: darr = da.Array(dsk, array_name, chunks=dask_chunks, dtype=self.dtype, meta=meta) return darr try: from XarrayActive import DaskActiveArray darr = DaskActiveArray(dsk, array_name, chunks=dask_chunks, dtype=self.dtype, meta=meta) except ImportError: raise ImportError( '"DaskActiveArray" from XarrayActive failed to import - please ensure ' 'you have the XarrayActive package installed.' ) return darr
[docs] class CFAPartition(ArrayPartition): """ Wrapper object for a CFA Partition, extends the basic ArrayPartition with CFA-specific methods. """ description = 'Wrapper object for a CFA Partition (Fragment or Chunk)'
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, address, aggregated_units=None, aggregated_calendar=None, global_extent=None, **kwargs ): """ Wrapper object for the 'array' section of a fragment. Contains some metadata to ensure the correct fragment is selected, but generally just serves the fragment array to dask when required. :param filename: (str) The path to a Fragment file from which this partition object will access data from. The partition may represent all or a subset of the data from the Fragment file. :param address: (str) The address of the data variable within the Fragment file, may include a group hierarchy structure. :param aggregated_units: (obj) The expected units for the received data. If the units of the received data are not equal to the ``aggregated_units`` then the data is 'post-processed' using the cfunits ``conform`` function. :param aggregated_calendar: None """ super().__init__(filename, address, units=aggregated_units, **kwargs) self.aggregated_units = aggregated_units self.aggregated_calendar = aggregated_calendar self.global_extent = global_extent
[docs] def copy(self, extent=None): """ Create a new instance of this class from its own methods and attributes, and apply a new extent to the copy if required. """ kwargs = self.get_kwargs() if 'units' in kwargs: if not kwargs['aggregated_units']: kwargs['aggregated_units'] = kwargs['units'] kwargs.pop('units') if extent: kwargs['extent'] = combine_slices(self.shape, list(self.get_extent()), extent) kwargs['global_extent'] = combine_slices(self.shape, list(self.global_extent), extent) new = CFAPartition( self.filename, self.address, **kwargs ) return new
def _post_process_data(self, data): """Correct units/data conversions - if necessary at this stage""" if self.units != self.aggregated_units: try: from cfunits import Units except FileNotFoundError: raise ValueError( 'Encountered issue when trying to import the "cfunits" library:' "cfunits requires UNIDATA UDUNITS-2. Can't find the 'udunits2' library." ' - Consider setting up a conda environment, and installing ' '`conda install -c conda-forge udunits2`' ) data = Units.conform(data, self.units, self.aggregated_units) return data
[docs] def get_kwargs(self): return { 'aggregated_units': self.aggregated_units, 'aggregated_calendar': self.aggregated_calendar } | super().get_kwargs()