__author__ = "Daniel Westwood"
__contact__ = "daniel.westwood@stfc.ac.uk"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024 United Kingdom Research and Innovation"
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VariableWrapper:
Wrapper object for the ``ds.variables`` and ``ds.attributes`` objects which can handle
either ``global`` or ``group`` based variables .
def __init__(self, prop_sets):
# Note: core_ds refers to either the group, or the global ds if there is no group requested.
self._core_props = prop_sets[0]
props = {}
for prop in prop_sets:
props = props | prop
self._properties = props
def __getitem__(self, item):
Requesting a named or indexed variable within ds.variables, needs
to be handled for the two sets of variables.
if type(item) == int:
item = list(self.keys())[item]
if item in self._properties:
return self._properties[item]
raise ValueError(
f'"{item}" not present in Dataset.'
def keys(self):
Requesting the set of keys should return the set of both keys combined in a ``dict_keys`` object.
return self._properties.keys()
def items(self):
return self._properties.items()
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self._core_props, attr)
raise AttributeError(
f'No such attribute: "{attr}'
class CFAGroupWrapper:
Wrapper object for the CFADataStore ``ds`` parameter, required to bypass the issue
with groups in Xarray, where all variables outside the group are ignored.
def __init__(self, var_sets, ds_sets):
self.variables = VariableWrapper(
self._ds_sets = ds_sets
self.Conventions = ''
if hasattr(ds_sets[0],'Conventions'):
self.Conventions = ds_sets[0].Conventions
def open(cls, root, group, mode):
if group in {None, "", "/"}:
# use the root group
return root
# make sure it's a string
if not isinstance(group, str):
raise ValueError("group must be a string or None")
# support path-like syntax
path = group.strip("/").split("/")
var_sets = [root.variables]
ds_sets = [root]
for part in path:
root = root.groups[part]
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError(
f'Group path "{part}" not found in this dataset.'
return cls(var_sets, ds_sets)
def dimensions(self):
dims = {}
for ds in self._ds_sets:
dims = dims | dict(ds.dimensions)
return dims
def ncattrs(self):
attrs = []
for ds in self._ds_sets:
attrs += list(ds.ncattrs()) # Determine return type
return attrs
def getncattr(self, k):
for ds in self._ds_sets:
return ds.getncattr(k)
raise AttributeError(
f'Attribute "{k}" not found.'
def variables(self):
return self._variables
def variables(self, value):
self._variables = value
def __getattr__(self, name):
for ds in self._ds_sets:
return getattr(ds, name)
raise AttributeError(
f'Attribute "{name}" not found.'