__author__ = "Daniel Westwood"
__contact__ = "daniel.westwood@stfc.ac.uk"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024 United Kingdom Research and Innovation"
import glob
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONCAT_MSG = 'See individual datasets for more information.'
class CFACreateMixin:
Mixin class for ``Create`` methods for a CFA-netCDF dataset.
def _first_pass(self, agg_dims: list = None) -> tuple:
Perform a first pass across all provided files. Extracts the global
attributes and information on all variables and dimensions into
separate python dictionaries. Also collects the set of files arranged
by aggregated dimension coordinates, to be used later in constructing
the CFA ``fragment_location`` properties.
logger.info('Performing first pass on the set of files.')
arranged_files = {}
var_info = None
dim_info = None
global_attrs = None
## First Pass - Determine dimensions
for x, file in enumerate(self.files):
logger.info(f'First pass: File {x+1}/{len(self.files)}')
ds = self._call_file(file)
if len(file) == 1:
file = file[0]
all_dims = ds.dimensions.keys()
all_vars = ds.variables.keys()
coord_variables = []
pure_dimensions = []
variables = []
## Sort dimension/variable types - switch to dict with types?
for d in all_dims:
if d in all_vars:
for v in all_vars:
if v not in all_dims:
if not dim_info:
dim_info = {d: {} for d in all_dims}
if not var_info:
var_info = {v: {} for v in variables}
logger.info(f'Coordinate variables: {coord_variables}')
logger.info(f'Pure dimensions: {pure_dimensions}')
logger.info(f'Variables: {variables}')
if var_info:
if len(set(variables) ^ set(var_info.keys())) != 0:
raise ValueError(
'Differing numbers of variables across the fragment files '
'is not currently supported.'
## Accumulate global attributes
ncattrs = {}
for attr in ds.ncattrs():
ncattrs[attr] = ds.getncattr(attr)
global_attrs = self._accumulate_attrs(global_attrs, ncattrs)
## Accumulate dimension info
fcoord = []
first_time = (x == 0)
for d in all_dims:
if dim_info[d] == {} and not first_time:
raise ValueError(
f'Files contain differing numbers of dimensions. "{d}"'
'appears to not be present in all files.'
new_info, arr_components = self._collect_dim_info(
ds, d, pure_dimensions, coord_variables,
agg_dims=agg_dims, first_time=first_time)
dim_info = self._update_info(ds.dimensions[d], dim_info, new_info)
if arr_components is not None:
if first_time:
for attr in arr_components.keys():
dim_info[d][attr] = [arr_components[attr]]
if arr_components['starts'] not in dim_info[d]['starts']:
dim_info[d]['starts'] += [arr_components['starts']]
dim_info[d]['sizes'] += [arr_components['sizes']]
dim_info[d]['arrays'] += [arr_components['arrays']]
## Accumulate var_info
for v in variables:
fill = ds[v].getncattr('_FillValue')
fill = None
vdims = []
for d in ds[v].dimensions: # Preserving the dimensions per variable
if d in coord_variables:
new_info = {
'dtype': np.dtype(ds[v].dtype),
'dims' : tuple(ds[v].dimensions),
'cdims': vdims,
'address': v, # Or match with replacement,
'_FillValue': fill,
var_info = self._update_info(ds.variables[v], var_info, new_info)
arranged_files[tuple(fcoord)] = file
return arranged_files, global_attrs, var_info, dim_info
def _second_pass(
var_info : dict,
non_aggregated : list
) -> dict:
Second pass through a subset of the files (2) to collect non-aggregated variables
which will be stored in the CFA file.
logger.info('Performing a second pass on a subset of files.')
second_set = self.files[:2]
for x, file in enumerate(second_set):
logger.info(f'Second pass: File {x+1}/{len(self.files)}')
ds = self._call_file(file) # Ideally don't want to do this twice.
for v in non_aggregated:
new_values = np.array(ds.variables[v])
if 'data' not in var_info[v]:
var_info[v]['data'] = new_values
if not np.array_equal(new_values, var_info[v]['data']):
raise ValueError(
f'Non-aggregated variable "{v}" differs between sample files.'
return var_info
def _collect_dim_info(
d : str,
pure_dimensions : list,
coord_variables : list,
agg_dims : list = None,
first_time : bool = False,
Collect new info about each dimension. The collected attributes
depend mostly on if the dimension is ``pure`` (i.e not a coordinate
variable) or if it is a coordinate variable. Aggregated dimensions require
collection of all array sequences that have a different ``start`` value.
If the aggregation dimensions are known, we do not have to collect arrays
from each file from non-aggregated dimensions."""
arr_components = None
if first_time:
agg_dims = coord_variables
if agg_dims is None or agg_dims == []:
agg_dims = coord_variables
if d in pure_dimensions:
new_info = {
'size': ds.dimensions[d].size,
'f_size': 1,
new_info = {
'size': None,
'type': 'coord',
'dtype': ds[d].dtype,
'f_size': None,
if d in agg_dims:
array = np.array(list(ds[d]), dtype=ds[d].dtype)
start = array[0]
size = len(array)
arr_components = {
'sizes': size,
'starts': start,
'arrays': array,
return new_info, arr_components
def _update_info(
info : dict,
new_info: dict,
) -> dict:
Update the information for a variable/dimension based on the
current dataset. Certain properties are collected in lists while
others are explicitly defined and should be equal across all files.
Others still may differ across files, in which case the ``concat_msg``
is applied which usually indicates to inspect individual files for
the correct value.
id = ncattr_obj.name
logger.debug(f'Concatenating information for {id}')
attrs = {}
if hasattr(ncattr_obj, 'ncattrs'):
for attr in ncattr_obj.ncattrs():
attrs[attr] = ncattr_obj.getncattr(attr)
if info[id] != {}:
info[id]['attrs'] = self._accumulate_attrs(info[id]['attrs'], attrs)
for attr, value in new_info.items():
if value != info[id][attr]:
raise ValueError(
f'Info not matching between files for "{id}": "{attr}"'
info[id] = new_info
info[id]['attrs'] = attrs
return info
def _arrange_dimensions(
dim_info : dict,
agg_dims : list = None
) -> dict:
Arrange the aggregation dimensions by ordering the
start values collected from each file. Dimension arrays are
aggregated to a single array once properly ordered, and the sizes
fragments in each dimension are recorded in the ``dim_info``.
logger.info('Performing aggregated dimension sorting')
## Arrange Aggregation Dimensions
aggregation_dims = []
for cd, info in dim_info.items():
if 'starts' not in info:
starts = info['starts'] # Needed later
arrays = info.pop('arrays')
sizes = info['sizes']
dim_info[cd]['f_size'] = len(starts)
if len(starts) == 1:
cdimarr = arrays[0]
ndimsizes = (sizes[0],)
## Still here means the dimension requires aggregation.
narr = np.array(starts)
arr = narr.astype(np.float64)
sort = np.argsort(arr)
cdimarr = None
nds = []
for s in sort:
if cdimarr is None:
cdimarr = np.array(arrays[s])
cdimarr = np.concatenate((cdimarr, np.array(arrays[s])))
ndimsizes = tuple(nds) # Removed np.array here
info['size'] = cdimarr.size
info['array'] = cdimarr
info['sizes'] = ndimsizes
if agg_dims is not None:
if len(agg_dims) != len(aggregation_dims):
raise ValueError(
'Found fewer aggregation dims than user provided value.'
f'User defined: ({list(agg_dims)})'
f'Derived: ({list(aggregation_dims)})'
return dim_info, aggregation_dims
def _assemble_location(
arranged_files : dict,
dim_info : dict
) -> dict:
Assemble the base CFA ``fragment_location`` from which all the
locations for different variables are derived. Locations are defined
by the number of dimensions, and follow the same pattern for definition
as the ``fragment_shapes``. The combinations of dimensions that
require their own ``location`` and ``shape`` are recorded in ``cdim_opts``.
logger.debug('Assembling the location variable')
# Define the location space
location_space = tuple(i for i in self.fragment_space if i > 1)
if self.max_files > 1:
location_space = location_space + (self.max_files,)
# Assemble the set of named dims
named_cdims = [k for k, v in dim_info.items() if v['type'] == 'coord']
# Initialise empty location container
location = np.empty(location_space, dtype=f'<U{len(self.longest_filename)}')
# Map collected coords to proper place for location.
for coord in arranged_files.keys():
new_coord = []
for x, c in enumerate(coord):
if self.fragment_space[x] > 1:
location[tuple(new_coord)] = arranged_files[coord]
return location
def _apply_agg_dims(
for var, meta in var_info.items():
aggs = []
if 'cdims' not in meta:
for cd in meta['cdims']:
if cd in agg_dims:
if aggs:
var_info[var]['adims'] = tuple(aggs)
return var_info
def _determine_non_aggregated(
var_info : dict,
agg_dims : list
) -> list:
Determine non-aggregated variables present in the fragment files.
Non-aggregated variables are equivalent to the ``identical variables``
from kerchunk jargon. If the non-aggregated variables are later found
to vary across the fragment files, an error will be raised.
non_aggregated = []
for var, info in var_info.items():
if not (set(info['cdims']) & set(agg_dims)):
logger.info('Second pass required to extract non-aggregated variable values')
logger.debug(f'Non-aggregated variables: {tuple(non_aggregated)}')
return non_aggregated
def _determine_size_opts(self, var_info: dict, agg_dims: list) -> list:
Determine the combinations of dimensions from the information
around each variable. Each combination requires a different
``location`` and ``shape`` fragment array variable in the final
CFA-netCDF file.
cdimopts = []
for v in var_info.values():
cds = v['dims']
if (set(agg_dims) & set(cds)):
if cds and cds not in cdimopts:
logger.debug(f'Determined {len(cdimopts)} size options:')
for c in cdimopts:
logger.debug(f' - {tuple(c)}')
return cdimopts
def _accumulate_attrs(self, attrs: dict, ncattrs: dict) -> dict:
Accumulate attributes from the new source and the existing set.
Ignore fill value attributes as these are handled elsewhere.
If attributes are not equal across files, the ``concat_msg`` is
used to indicate where data users should seek out the source files
for correct values.
if attrs is None:
first_time = True
attrs = {}
for attr in ncattrs.keys():
if attr == '_FillValue':
if attr not in attrs:
if first_time:
attrs[attr] = ncattrs[attr]
logger.warning(f'AttributeWarning: Attribute "{attr}" not present in all files')
attrs[attr] = self.concat_msg
if isinstance(ncattrs[attr], (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
if not np.array_equal(attrs[attr], ncattrs[attr]):
attrs[attr] = self.concat_msg
if attrs[attr] != ncattrs[attr]:
attrs[attr] = self.concat_msg
attrs[attr] = ncattrs[attr]
return attrs
class CFAWriteMixin:
Mixin class for ``Write`` methods for a CFA-netCDF dataset.
def _write_dimensions(self):
Write the collected dimensions in dim_info as new dimensions
in the CFA-netCDF file. So-called ``pure`` dimensions which
have no variable component (no array of values) are defined
with size alone, whereas coordinate dimensions (coordinate
variables) have an associated variable component. The so-called
``f-dims`` are also created here as the fragmented size of each
coordinate dimension.
Note: if a coordinate dimension is not fragmented, it still has
an attributed f-dim, equal to 1.
f_dims = {}
for dim, di in self.dim_info.items():
f_size = di['f_size']
dim_size = di['size']
real_part = self.ds.createDimension(
frag_part = self.ds.createDimension(
f_dims[f'f_{dim}'] = f_size
if di['type'] == 'coord':
axis_var = self.ds.createVariable(
(dim,), # Link to coord dimension
for k, v in di['attrs'].items():
axis_var.setncattr(k, v)
axis_var[:] = di['array']
for k, v in di['attrs'].items():
real_part.setncattr(k, v)
return f_dims
def _write_variables(self):
Non-aggregated variables are defined exactly the same as in
the fragment files, while aggregated variables contain
``aggregated_data`` and ``aggregated_dimensions`` attributes,
which link to the fragment array variables.
for var, meta in self.var_info.items():
if 'adims' not in meta:
variable = self._write_nonagg_variable(var, meta)
agg_dims = ' '.join(meta['dims'])
num = None
for n, opt in enumerate(self.cdim_opts):
if opt == meta['dims']:
num = n
if num is None:
raise ValueError(
'Dimension mismatch issue.'
agg_data = ' '.join([
f'location: fragment_location_{num}',
f'address: fragment_address_{var}',
f'shape: fragment_shape_{num}'
variable = self._write_aggregated_variable(var, meta, agg_dims, agg_data)
def _write_fragment_addresses(self):
Create a ``fragment_address`` variable for each variable
which is not dimension-less.
addrs = []
for variable, meta in self.var_info.items():
if 'adims' not in meta:
addr = self.ds.createVariable(
addr[:] = np.array(meta['address'], dtype=str)
def _write_shape_dims(self, f_dims: dict):
Construct the shape and location dimensions for each
combination of dimensions stored in ``cdim_opts``. This
utilises the so-called ``f-dims`` previously created
for each coordinate dimension.
for x, opt in enumerate(self.cdim_opts):
ndims = self.ds.createDimension(
vopt = tuple([f'f_{o}' for o in opt])
if self.max_files > 1:
vopt = vopt + ('versions',)
location = self.ds.createVariable(
vshape = []
for opt in vopt:
loc_data = np.reshape(self.location, vshape)
location[(slice(0, None) for i in vopt)] = np.array(loc_data, dtype=str)
def _write_fragment_shapes(self):
Construct the ``fragment_shape`` variable part for each
combination of dimensions stored in ``cdim_opts``. This
utilises the ``shape`` dimensions previously created.
def fill_empty(array, size):
array = list(array)
init_length = int(len(array))
for x in range(size - init_length):
return tuple(array)
cdimlens = {d: len(meta['sizes']) for d, meta in self.dim_info.items() if meta['type'] == 'coord'}
for num, cdims in enumerate(self.cdim_opts):
# opt is a tuple of the cdimensions for this set of instructions.
largest = 0
i_dim = ''
for d in cdims:
if d not in cdimlens:
if cdimlens[d] > largest:
largest = cdimlens[d]
i_dim = f'f_{d}'
# Find the largest of the dimensions
# Set dim_sizes accordingly
shape_name = f'fragment_shape_{num}'
shapes = []
for d in cdims:
if 'sizes' in self.dim_info[d]:
sizes = self.dim_info[d]['sizes']
sizes = (self.dim_info[d]['size'],)
shapes.append(fill_empty(sizes, largest))
shape = self.ds.createVariable(
int, # Type
(f'shape_{num}', i_dim)
shapes = np.array(shapes)
shapes = np.ma.array(shapes, dtype=int, mask=(shapes==0))
shape[:,:] = shapes
def _write_aggregated_variable(
var : str,
meta : dict,
agg_dims : str,
agg_data : str
Create the netCDF parameters required for an aggregated variable.
Note: The dimensions and variables referenced in ``agg_data`` need to
have already been defined for the dataset by this point.
var_arr = self.ds.createVariable(
fill_value = meta.pop('_FillValue', None),
for k, v in meta['attrs'].items():
if k == '_FillValue':
var_arr.setncattr(k, v)
except Exception as err:
f'Cannot set attribute - {k}: {v} for {var}'
var_arr.aggregated_dimensions = agg_dims
var_arr.aggregated_data = agg_data
def _write_nonagg_variable(
var : str,
meta: dict
Create a non-aggregated variable for the CFA-netCDF file.
If this variable has some attributed data (which it should),
the data is set for this variable in the new file."""
var_arr = self.ds.createVariable(
fill_value = meta.pop('_FillValue', None),
for k, v in meta['attrs'].items():
if k == '_FillValue':
var_arr.setncattr(k, v)
except Exception as err:
f'Cannot set attribute - {k}: {v} for {var}'
if 'data' in meta:
var_arr[:] = meta['data']
class CFANetCDF(CFACreateMixin, CFAWriteMixin):
CFA-netCDF file constructor class, enables creation and
writing of new CF1.12 aggregations.
description = 'The CFAPyX Constructor class, for creating new CFA-netCDF files.'
def __init__(self, files: list, concat_msg : str = CONCAT_MSG):
Initialise this CFANetCDF instance with some basic values, and filter
the provided set of files. A custom concat message can also be set
here if needed."""
if isinstance(files, str):
fileset = glob.glob(files)
self.files = self._filter_files(fileset)
if len(self.files) < 2:
raise ValueError(
f'Unable to aggregate less than two files; found {len(self.files)}'
f' from pattern "{files}"'
self.files = self._filter_files(files)
if len(self.files) < 2:
raise ValueError(
f'Unable to aggregate less than two files; only {len(self.files)}'
f' files given.'
self.longest_filename = ''
self.global_attrs = None
self.var_info = None
self.dim_info = None
self.fragment_space = None
self.location = None
self.cdim_opts = None
self.concat_msg = concat_msg
self.ds = None
def create(
updates : dict = None,
removals: list = None,
agg_dims: list = None,
) -> None:
Perform the operations and passes needed to accumulate the set of
variable/dimension info and attributes to then construct a CFA-netCDF
updates = updates or {}
removals = removals or []
# First pass collect info
arranged_files, global_attrs, var_info, dim_info = self._first_pass(agg_dims=agg_dims)
global_attrs, var_info, dim_info = self._apply_filters(updates, removals, global_attrs, var_info, dim_info)
# Arrange aggregation dimensions
dim_info, agg_dims = self._arrange_dimensions(dim_info, agg_dims=agg_dims)
var_info = self._apply_agg_dims(var_info, agg_dims)
# Determine size options and non-aggregated variables
self.cdim_opts = self._determine_size_opts(var_info, agg_dims)
non_aggregated = self._determine_non_aggregated(var_info, agg_dims)
# Perform a second pass to collect non-aggregated variables if present.
if len(non_aggregated) > 0:
var_info = self._second_pass(var_info, non_aggregated)
# Define the fragment space
self.fragment_space = [v['f_size'] for v in dim_info.values() if 'f_size' in v]
# Assemble the location with correct dimensions
location = self._assemble_location(arranged_files, dim_info)
self.global_attrs = global_attrs
self.dim_info = dim_info
self.var_info = var_info
self.location = location
def write(
outfile: str
) -> None:
Use the accumulated dimension/variable info and attributes to
construct a CFA-netCDF file."""
self.ds = netCDF4.Dataset(outfile, mode='w', format='NETCDF4', maskandcale=True)
self.ds.Conventions = 'CF-1.12'
# Populate global dimensions
for attr, value in self.global_attrs.items():
self.ds.setncattr(attr, value)
f_dims = self._write_dimensions()
if self.max_files > 1:
nfiles = self.ds.createDimension(
f_dims['versions'] = self.max_files
def display_attrs(self):
Display the global attributes consolidated in the
aggregation process.
print('Global Attributes:')
def display_variables(self):
Display the variables and some basic properties about each.
if not self.var_info:
for v, m in self.var_info.items():
print(f'{v}: dtype={m["dtype"]}, dimensions={m["dims"]}')
def display_dimensions(self):
Display the dimensions and some basic properties about each.
if not self.dim_info:
for d, m in self.dim_info.items():
print(f'{d}: dtype={m["dtype"]}, size={m["size"]}', end='')
if 'f_size' in m:
print(f', f_size={m["f_size"]}')
def display_variable(self, var):
Handler for displaying information about a variable
if not self.var_info:
return ''
if var not in self.var_info:
return ''
def display_dimension(self, dim):
Handler for displaying information about a variable
if not self.dim_info:
return ''
if dim not in self.dim_info:
return ''
def _display_item(self, keyset):
Display the information about a dimension/variable
for attr, value in keyset.items():
if attr == 'attrs':
print(f'{attr}: {value}')
def agg_dims(self):
Display the aggregated dimensions identified on creation.
if not self.dim_info:
return []
agg_dims = []
for dim, meta in self.dim_info.items():
if 'f_size' not in meta:
if meta['f_size'] > 1:
return tuple(agg_dims)
def pure_dims(self):
Display the 'pure' dimensions identified on creation. Pure dimensions
are defined only by a size, with no array of values.
if not self.dim_info:
return []
pure_dims = []
for dim, meta in self.dim_info.items():
if meta['type'] == 'pure':
return tuple(pure_dims)
def coord_dims(self):
Display the coordinate dimensions identified on creation. Coordinate
dimensions include an array of values for the dimension as a variable with
the same name.
if not self.dim_info:
return []
coord_dims = []
for dim, meta in self.dim_info.items():
if meta['type'] == 'coord':
return tuple(coord_dims)
def scalar_vars(self):
Display the scalar variables identified on creation, which are
single valued and are dimensionless.
if not self.var_info:
return []
scalar_vars = []
for var, meta in self.var_info.items():
if 'dims' not in meta:
elif meta['dims'] == ():
return tuple(scalar_vars)
def aggregated_vars(self):
Display the variables that vary across the aggregation dimensions.
if not self.var_info:
return []
agg_vars = []
for var, meta in self.var_info.items():
if 'adims' in meta:
return tuple(agg_vars)
def identical_vars(self):
Display the variables that do not vary across the aggregation
dimensions and must therefore be identical across all files.
if not self.var_info:
return []
id_vars = []
for var, meta in self.var_info.items():
if 'adims' not in meta:
elif meta['adims'] == ():
return tuple(id_vars)
def _apply_filters(self, updates, removals, global_attrs, var_info, dim_info):
global_attrs, var_info, dim_info = self._apply_updates(updates, global_attrs, var_info, dim_info)
global_attrs, var_info, dim_info = self._apply_removals(removals, global_attrs, var_info, dim_info)
return global_attrs, var_info, dim_info
def _apply_updates(self, updates, global_attrs, var_info, dim_info):
global_u, vars_u, dims_u = {}, {}, {}
for upd in updates.keys():
if '.' not in upd:
global_u[upd] = updates[upd]
item = upd.split('.')[0]
if item in var_info.keys():
vars_u[upd] = updates[upd]
elif item in dim_info.keys():
dims_u[upd] = updates[upd]
'Attempting to set an attribute for a var/dim that'
f'is not present: "{item}"'
for attr, upd in global_u.items():
global_attrs[attr] = upd
for attr, upd in vars_u.items():
(v, vattr) = attr.split('.')
var_info[v]['attrs'][vattr] = upd
for attr, upd in dims_u.items():
(d, dattr) = attr.split('.')
dim_info[d]['attrs'][dattr] = upd
return global_attrs, var_info, dim_info
def _apply_removals(self, removals, global_attrs, var_info, dim_info):
global_r, vars_r, dims_r = [],[],[]
for rem in removals:
if '.' not in rem:
item = rem.split('.')[0]
if item in var_info.keys():
elif item in dim_info.keys():
'Attempting to remove an attribute for a var/dim that'
f'is not present: "{item}"'
for rem in global_r:
for rem in vars_r:
(v, vattr) = rem.split('.')
for rem in dims_r:
(d, dattr) = rem.split('.')
return global_attrs, var_info, dim_info
def _filter_files(self, files: list) -> list:
Filter the set of files to identify the trailing dimension
indicative of multiple file locations. Also identifies the
length of the longest filename to be used later when storing
numpy string arrays.
filtered = []
trailing_file = False
max_files = 0
for f in files:
if isinstance(f, tuple):
trailing_file = True
if max_files < len(f):
max_files = len(f)
for f in files:
if trailing_file:
fileopts = [''] * max_files
if isinstance(f, tuple):
for x, c in enumerate(f):
fileopts[x] = c
fileopts[0] = f
self.max_files = max_files
return filtered
def _call_file(self, file: str) -> netCDF4.Dataset:
Open the file as a netcdf dataset. If there are multiple filenames
provided, use the first file. Also determine the longest filename
to be used to define the ``location`` parameter later.
if isinstance(file, tuple):
ds = netCDF4.Dataset(file[0])
for f in file:
if len(f) > len(self.longest_filename):
self.longest_filename = f
ds = netCDF4.Dataset(file)
if len(file) > len(self.longest_filename):
self.longest_filename = file
return ds
def _display_attrs(attrs):
for k, v in attrs.items():
print(f' - {k}: {v}')