Getting Started


Ensure you have local modules enabled such that you have python 3.x installed in your local environment. A version of the pipeline source code exists at /gws/nopw/j04/cedaproc/padocc so please see if this can be used before cloning the repository elsewhere.

Step 0: Git clone the repository

If you need to clone the repository, either simply clone the main branch of the repository (no branch specified) or check the latest version of the repository at, which you can clone using:

git clone

Step 1: Set up Virtual Environment

Step 1 is to create a virtual environment and install the necessary packages with pip. This can be done inside the local repo you’ve cloned as local or kvenv which will be ignored by the repository, or you can create a venv elsewhere in your home directory i.e ~/venvs/build_venv. If you are using the pipeline version in cedaproc there should already be a virtual environment set up.

python -m venv name_of_venv;
source name_of_venv/bin/activate;
pip install -r requirements.txt;

Step 2: Environment configuration

Create a config file to set necessary environment variables. (Suggested to place these in the local config/ folder as this will be ignored by git). Eg:

export WORKDIR = /path/to/kerchunk-pipeline
export SRCDIR  = /gws/nopw/j04/cedaproc/kerchunk_builder/kerchunk-builder
export KVENV   = $SRCDIR/kvenv

Now you should be set up to run the pipeline properly. For any of the pipeline scripts, running `python <script>.py -h # or --help` will bring up a list of options to use for that script as well as the required parameters.

Step 3: Assembling pipeline inputs

In order to successfully run the pipeline you need the following input files:
  • An input csv file with an entry for each dataset with fields:
    • project_code, pattern/filename, updates*, removals*

    • If a pattern is not known or cannot be expressed, the path to a file containing a list of paths to all the NetCDF files can be used instead.

    • updates and removals should be paths to json files which contain information on global metadata replacements. An example can be found below.

It is also helpful to create a setup/config bash script to set all your environment variables which include:
  • WORKDIR: The working directory for the pipeline (where to store all the cache files)

  • SRCDIR: Path to the kerchunk-builder repo where it has been cloned.

  • KVENV: Path to a virtual environment for the pipeline.

Step 4: Commands to run the pipeline

Some useful option/flags to add:

-v # Verbose
   #  - add multiple v's for debug messages
-f # Forceful
   #  - perform step even if output file already exists
-b # Bypass
   # See bypass section in pipeline flags explained.
-Q # Quality
   #  - thorough run - use to ignore cache files and perform checks on all netcdf files
-r # repeat_id
   #  - default uses main, if you have created repeat_ids manually or with, specify here.
-d # dryrun
   #  - Skip creating any new files in this phase

The pipeline is run using the or scripts as a command-line interface (CLI) tool.

# 4.1 Initialise from your CSV file:
python init <group_name> -i path/to/file.csv

# 4.2 Perform scanning of netcdf files:
python scan <group_name>


You should check after every scan, compute and validate that your SLURM jobs are running properly:

squeue -u <jasmin_username>

And once the SLURM jobs are complete you should check error logs to see which jobs were successful and which failed for different reasons. See Step 5 for details on how to run the Assessor [] script.

# 4.3 Perform computation (example options: ignore cache and show debug messages):
python compute <group_name> -vQ

# 4.4 Perform validation (example options: using repeat_id long, set time and memory to specific values, forceful overwrite if outputs already present):
python validate <group_name> -r long -t 120:00 -M 4G -vf

Step 5: Assess pipeline results

5.1 General progress

To see the general status of the pipeline for a given group:

python <group> progress

An example use case is to write out all datasets that require scanning to a new label (repeat_label):

python <group> progress -p scan -r <label_for_scan_subgroup> -W

The last flag `-W` is required when writing an output file from this program, otherwise the program will dryrun and produce no files.

5.2 Check errors

Check what repeat labels are available already using

python <group> errors -s labels

Show what jobs have previously run

python <group> errors -s jobids

For showing all errors from a previous job run

python <group> errors -j <jobid>

For selecting a specific type of error to investigate (-i) and examine the full log for each example (-E)

python test errors -j <jobid> -i "type_of_error" -E