CCI Water Vapour Example

The CCI water vapour input CSV file can be found in extensions/example_water_vapour/ within this repository. This guide will take you through running the pipeline for this example set of 4 datasets. Assuming you have already gone through the setup instructions in Getting Started, you can now proceed with creating a group for this test dataset.

A new group is created within the pipeline using the init operation as follows:

python init <my_new_group> -i extensions/example_water_vapour/water_vapour.csv -v


Multiple flag options are available throughout the pipeline for more specific operations and methods. In the above case we have used the (-v) verbose flag to indicate we want to see the [INFO] messages put out by the pipeline. Adding a second (v) would also show [DEBUG] messages. Also the init phase is always run as a serial process since it just involves creating the directories and config files required by the pipeline.

The output of the above command should look something like this:

INFO [main-group]: Running init steps as serial process
INFO [init]: Starting initialisation
INFO [init]: Copying input file from relative path - resolved to /home/users/dwest77/Documents/kerchunk_dev/kerchunk-builder
INFO [init]: Creating project directories
INFO [init]: Creating directories/filelists for 1/4
INFO [init]: Updated new status: init - complete
INFO [init]: Creating directories/filelists for 2/4
INFO [init]: Updated new status: init - complete
INFO [init]: Creating directories/filelists for 3/4
INFO [init]: Updated new status: init - complete
INFO [init]: Creating directories/filelists for 4/4
INFO [init]: Updated new status: init - complete
INFO [init]: Created 24 files, 8 directories in group my_new_group
INFO [init]: Written as group ID: my_new_group

Ok great, we’ve initialised the pipeline for our new group! Here’s a summary diagram of what directories and files were just created:

  - groups
     -  my_new_group
         -  proj_codes
             -  main.txt
         -  blacklist_codes.txt
         -  datasets.csv # (a copy of the input file)

  - in_progress
     -  my_new_group
         -  code_1 # (codes 1 to 4 in this example)
             -  allfiles.txt
             -  base-cfg.json
             -  phase_logs
                 -  scan.log
                 -  compute.log
                 -  validate.log
             -  status_log.csv

For peace of mind and to check you understand the pipeline assessor tool we would suggest running this command next:

python progress my_new_group

Upon which your output should look something like this:

Group: my_new_group
Total Codes: 4

Pipeline Current:

init      : 4     [100.%] (Variety: 1)
    - complete : 4

Pipeline Complete:

complete  : 0     [0.0 %]

All 4 of our datasets were initialised successfully, no datasets are complete through the pipeline yet.

The next steps are to scan, compute, and validate the datasets which would complete the pipeline.


For each of the above phases, jobs will be submitted to SLURM when using the group_run script. Please make sure to wait until all jobs are complete for one phase before running the next job. After each job, check the progress of the pipeline with the same command as before to check all the datasets complete as expected. See below on what to do if datasets encounter errors.

python scan my_new_group
python compute my_new_group
python validate my_new_group

An more complex example of what you might see while running the pipeline in terms of errors encountered can be found below:

Group: cci_group_v1
Total Codes: 361

Pipeline Current:

compute   : 21    [5.8 %] (Variety: 2)
    - complete                 : 20
    - KeyError 'refs'          : 1

Pipeline Complete:

complete  : 185   [51.2%]

blacklist : 155   [42.9%] (Variety: 8)
    - NonKerchunkable          : 50
    - PartialDriver            : 3
    - PartialDriverFail        : 5
    - ExhaustedMemoryLimit     : 56
    - ExhaustedTimeLimit       : 18
    - ExhaustedTimeLimit*      : 1
    - ValidationMemoryLimit    : 21
    - ScipyDimIssue            : 1

In this example cci_group_v1 group, 185 of the datasets have completed the pipeline, while 155 have been excluded (See blacklisting in the Assessor Tool section). Of the remaining 21 datasets, 20 of them have completed the compute phase and now need to be run through validate, but one encountered a KeyError which needs to be inspected. To view the log for this dataset we can use the command below:

python progress cci_group_v1 -e "KeyError 'refs'" -p compute -E

This will match with our compute-phase error with that message, and the (-E) flag will give us the whole error log from that run. This may be enough to assess and fix the issue but otherwise, to rerun just this dataset a rerun command will be suggested by the assessor:

Project Code: 201601-201612-ESACCI-L4_FIRE-BA-MSI-fv1.1 - <class 'KeyError'>'refs'
Rerun suggested command:    python compute 218 -G cci_group_v1 -vv -d

This rerun command has several flags included, the most importand here is the (-G) group flag, since we need to use the single_run script so now need to specify the group. The (-d) dryrun flag will simply mean we are not producing any output files since we may need to test and rerun several times.