Source code for

__author__    = "Daniel Westwood"
__contact__   = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024 United Kingdom Research and Innovation"

import json
import logging
import os

import fsspec
import requests
import rioxarray as rxr
import xarray as xr

from ceda_datapoint.mixins import PropertiesMixin, UIMixin
from ceda_datapoint.utils import hash_id, logstream

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.propagate = False

[docs] class DataPointMapper: """Mapper object for calling specific properties of an item""" def __init__(self, mappings: dict = None, id: str = None) -> None: self._mappings = mappings or {} self._id = id
[docs] def set_id(self, id: str) -> None: """Set the ID for this mapper - cosmetic only""" self._id = id
[docs] def get(self, key: str, stac_object: object) -> str: """ Mapper.index('assets',stac_object) """ def access( k: str, stac_obj: object, chain: bool = True ) -> str: """ Error-accepting 'get' operation for an attribute from a STAC object - with chain or otherwise.""" try: if hasattr(stac_obj,k): return getattr(stac_obj, k) else: return stac_obj[k] except (KeyError, ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError): if chain: logger.warning( f'Chain for accessing attribute {key}:{self._mappings[key]} failed at {k}' ) else: logger.warning(f'Property "{k}" for {self._id} is undefined.') return None if key in self._mappings: keychain = self._mappings[key].split('.') so = access(keychain[0], stac_object) for k in keychain[1:]: so = access(k, so) if so is None: return None else: so = access(key, stac_object, chain=False) return so
[docs] class DataPointCloudProduct(PropertiesMixin): """ Object for storing and manipulating a single cloud product i.e Kerchunk/Zarr/CFA. """ def __init__( self, asset_stac: dict, id: str = None, cf: str = None, order: int = None, mode: str = 'xarray', meta: dict = None, stac_attrs: dict = None, properties: dict = None, mapper: DataPointMapper = None, ) -> None: """ Initialise a single cloud product object. The cloud product has identical properties and attributes to the parent item, but now represents a single reference dataset. :param asset_stac: (dict) The asset as presented in the stac index. :param id: (str) Identifier for this cloud product. :param cf: (str) Cloud format type. :param order: (int) Unused property relating to priority. :param mode: (str) Method to use for opening dataset. :param meta: (dict) DataPoint metadata relating to parent objects. :param stac_attrs: (dict) Attributes of the item outside the ``properties``. :param properties: (dict) Properties of the item in the ``properties`` field. """ if mode != 'xarray': raise NotImplementedError( 'Only "xarray" mode currently implemented - cf-python is a future option' ) self._id = id self._order = order self._cloud_format = cf self._mapper = mapper or DataPointMapper(id) meta = meta or {} self._asset_stac = asset_stac self._meta = meta | { 'asset_id': id, 'cloud_format': cf } self._stac_attrs = stac_attrs self._properties = properties self.visibility = 'all' self._set_visibility() def __str__(self) -> str: return f'<DataPointCloudProduct: {self._id} (Format: {self._cloud_format})>' def __repr__(self) -> str: """Representation of this class using the meta components""" repr = super().__repr__().split('\n') repr.append('Attributes:') for k, v in self._properties.items(): repr.append(f' - {k}: {v}') return '\n'.join(repr) @property def cloud_format(self) -> str: """Read-only property""" return self._cloud_format @property def href(self) -> str: """Read-only href property""" return self._mapper.get('href',self._asset_stac)
[docs] def help(self) -> None: """Display public methods for this object.""" print('DataPointCloudProduct Help:') print(' > - Get information about this cloud product.') print(' > product.open_dataset() - Open the dataset for this cloud product (in xarray)') super().help(additionals = ['href','cloud_format'])
[docs] def info(self) -> None: """Display information about this object""" print(self.__repr__())
[docs] def open_dataset( self, local_only: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Open the dataset for this product (in xarray). Specific methods to open cloud formats are private since the method should be determined by internal values not user input. :param local_only: (bool) Switch to using local-only files - DataPoint will convert all hrefs and internal Kerchunk links to use local paths. """ if not self._cloud_format: raise ValueError( 'No cloud format given for this dataset' ) if self.href is None: raise ValueError( 'Cloud assets with no "href" are not supported' ) if self.visibility == 'local-only' and not local_only: raise ValueError( 'Href not reachable via https, please use `local_only=True` ' 'to open this dataset.' ) try: if self._cloud_format == 'kerchunk': return self._open_kerchunk(local_only=local_only, **kwargs) elif self._cloud_format == 'CFA': return self._open_cfa(**kwargs) elif self._cloud_format == 'zarr': return self._open_zarr(**kwargs) elif self._cloud_format == 'cog': return self._open_cog(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError( 'Cloud format not recognised - must be one of ("kerchunk", "CFA", "zarr", "cog")' ) except ValueError as err: raise err except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError( 'The requested resource could not be located: ' f'{self.href}' )
def _open_kerchunk( self, local_only: bool = False, mapper_kwargs: dict = None, **kwargs, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Open a kerchunk dataset in xarray :param local_only: (bool) Switch to using local-only files - DataPoint will convert all hrefs and internal Kerchunk links to use local paths. :param mapper_kwargs: (dict) Kwargs to provide to Kerchunk's fsspec mapper. """ mapper_kwargs = mapper_kwargs or {} href = self.href mapper_kwargs = self._mapper.get('mapper_kwargs',self._asset_stac) or mapper_kwargs open_zarr_kwargs = self._mapper.get('open_zarr_kwargs', self._asset_stac) or {} if local_only: href = _fetch_kerchunk_make_local(href) mapper = fsspec.get_mapper( 'reference://', fo=href, **mapper_kwargs ) zarr_kwargs = _zarr_kwargs_default(add_kwargs=open_zarr_kwargs) | kwargs return xr.open_zarr(mapper, **zarr_kwargs) def _open_cfa( self, cfa_options: dict = None, **kwargs, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Open a CFA dataset in xarray :param cfa_options: (dict) Configuration options to pass to the CFA engine """ cfa_options = cfa_options or {} href = self.href open_xarray_kwargs = (self._mapper.get('open_xarray_kwargs', self._asset_stac) or {}) | kwargs return xr.open_dataset( href, engine='CFA', cfa_options=cfa_options, **open_xarray_kwargs ) def _open_zarr( self, **kwargs, ) -> xr.Dataset: open_zarr_kwargs = (self._mapper.get('open_zarr_kwargs', self._asset_stac) or {}) | kwargs return xr.open_dataset(self.href, engine='zarr', **open_zarr_kwargs) def _open_cog( self, **kwargs, ) -> xr.Dataset: open_cog_kwargs = (self._mapper.get('open_cog_kwargs', self._asset_stac) or {}) | kwargs return rxr.open_rasterio(self.href, **open_cog_kwargs) def _set_visibility(self) -> None: """Determine if this product is reachable""" if 'https://' in self.href: # Check remote link status = requests.head(self.href) if status.status_code != 200: self.visibility = 'local-only' else: return # Check local link local_ref = self.href.replace('','') if not os.path.isfile(local_ref): self.visibility = 'unreachable'
[docs] class DataPointCluster(UIMixin): """ A set of non-combined datasets opened using the DataPointSearch ``to_dataset()`` method. Has some additional properties over a list of datasets. """ def __init__( self, products: list, parent_id: str = None, meta: dict = None, local_only: bool = False, show_unreachable: bool = False ) -> None: """Initialise a cluster of datasets from a set of assets. :param products: (list) A list of DataPoint cloud product objects. :param parent_id: (str) ID of the parent search/item object. :param meta: (dict) Metadata about the parent object. :param local_only: (bool) Switch to using local-only files - DataPoint will convert all hrefs and internal Kerchunk links to use local paths. :param show_unreachable: (bool) Show the hidden assets that DataPoint has determined are currently unreachable. """ self._id = f'{parent_id}-{hash_id(parent_id)}' self._local_only = local_only self.show_unreachable = show_unreachable meta = meta or {} self._products = {} for p in products: if isinstance(p, DataPointCluster): for sub_p in p.products: self._products[] = sub_p elif p is not None: self._products[] = p self._meta = meta self._meta['products'] = len(products) def __str__(self) -> str: """String representation of this class""" return f'<DataPointCluster: {self._id} (Datasets: {len(self._products)})>' def __getitem__(self, index): """ Index this object to obtain a DataPointCloudProduct by ID or position in the cluster. """ if isinstance(index, int): index = list(self._products.keys())[index] if index not in self._products: raise IndexError( f'"{index}" not found in available products.' ) return self._products[index] @property def products(self) -> list[DataPointCloudProduct]: """List of products contained within this cluster""" return [ v for v in self._products.values() if v.visibility != 'unreachable' or self.show_unreachable]
[docs] def help(self) -> None: """Helper function - lists methods that can be utilised for this class""" print('DataPointCluster Help:') print(' > - basic cluster information') print(' > cluster.open_dataset(index/id) - open a specific dataset in xarray') super().help(additionals=['products'])
[docs] def info(self) -> None: """Information about this object instance.""" print(self.__repr__())
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Notebooks representation of this class""" repr = super().__repr__().split('\n') repr.append('Products:') for p in self._products.values(): if p.visibility != 'all': repr.append(f' - {}: {p.cloud_format} ({p.visibility})') else: repr.append(f' - {}: {p.cloud_format}') return '\n'.join(repr)
[docs] def open_dataset( self, id : str, mode: str = 'xarray', local_only: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Open a dataset from within this cluster's cloud products. A dataset can be indexed either by id or position within this cluster's set of datasets. :param id: (str) The ID or index of the dataset in the resulting cluster. :param mode: (str) The type of dataset to be returned, currently only Xarray is supported (0.3.X) :param local_only: (bool) Switch to using local-only files - DataPoint will convert all hrefs and internal Kerchunk links to use local paths.""" if mode != 'xarray': raise NotImplementedError( 'Only "xarray" mode currently implemented - cf-python is a future option' ) local_only = local_only or self._local_only if isinstance(id, int): id = list(self._products.keys())[id] if id not in self._products: logger.warning( f'"{id}" not found in available datasets.' ) return None product = self._products[id] return product.open_dataset(local_only=local_only, **kwargs)
def open_datasets(self): raise NotImplementedError( '"Combine" feature has not yet been implemented' )
def _zarr_kwargs_default(add_kwargs: dict = None) -> dict: """Add any default kwargs for specific requests""" add_kwargs = add_kwargs or {} defaults = { 'consolidated':False, } return defaults | add_kwargs def _fetch_kerchunk_make_local(href: str) -> dict: """ Fetch a kerchunk file, open as json content and do find/replace to access local files only. """ href_local = href.replace('','') if not os.path.isfile(href_local): attempts = 0 success = False while attempts < 3 and not success: resp = requests.get(href) if resp.status_code == 200: success = True attempts += 1 if attempts >= 3 and not success: raise ValueError( f'File {href}: Download unsuccessful - ' 'could not download the file successfully (tried 3 times)' ) refs = json.loads(resp.text) else: with open(href_local) as f: refs = json.load(f) for key in refs['refs'].keys(): v = refs['refs'][key] if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) == 3: # First character if 'https://' in v[0]: refs['refs'][key][0] = v[0].replace('','/') return refs