Example Use Cases

Please refer to the following for recommended cases of when DataPoint will suit your needs.

Where to use DataPoint

  • Quickly identifying which datasets/IDs are relevant to your work

  • Easily selecting/plotting a subset of the data over a specific region/timestep.

  • Performing complex analyses/comparisons on a subset of data or across multiple datasets.

Where not to use DataPoint

  • Accessing data for large scale processing (especially by remote)

  • Downloading massive amounts of data by opening datasets and saving locally.

Summary: The best cases to use DataPoint are for finding the correct datasets and performing preliminary analysis/generating plots. What DataPoint is not designed for is performing large-scale processing on multiple GB’s or TB’s of data - DataPoint provides methods to access the assets that constitute the datasets, which you should analyse in-situ with the data (i.e on JASMIN) using specific software.