Beneficial Extra Features

Remote connection to object storage

New for v1.3.3!

padocc now has the capability to write to s3 storage endpoints for zarr stores, as well as using s3 object storage as the immediate storage medium for zarr datasets. This means that zarr stores generated via padocc can be written to object storage on creation, without filling up local disk space. Future updates will also include transfer mechanisms for Kerchunk datasets, where the kerchunk data must be edited then transferred.

Remote s3 configuration

The following configuration details must be passed to one of the entrypoints for remote s3 connections for padocc:
  • The add_project function when creating a new project.

  • The add_s3_config function for an existing project.

Remote s3 config:


For JASMIN object store tenancies see the Object Store Services Portal, plus the documentation page for how to set up s3 credentials. It is best to keep the credentials in a separate file as this config info will be copied to all projects being accessed.

Once this config has been added to the project, any subsequent compute operation will generate zarr data in the given object store space. Note: The creation may induce errors if interrupted halfway through. Simply delete the content on the object store and start again - this is a bug and will be fixed in due course.

PADOCC Mechanics

Revision Numbers

The PADOCC revision numbers for each product are auto-generated using the following rules.

  • All projects begin with the revision number 1.0.

  • The first number denotes major updates to the product, for instance where a data source file has been replaced.

  • The second number denotes minor changes like alterations to attributes and metadata.

  • The letters prefixed to the revision numbers identify the file type for the product. For example a zarr store has the letter z applied, while a Kerchunk (parquet) store has kp.

The Validation Report

The ValidateDatasets class produces a validation report for both data and metadata validations. This is designed to be fairly simple to interpret, while still being machine-readable. The following headings which may be found in the report have the following meanings:

1. Metadata Report (with Examples) These are considered non-fatal errors that will need either a minor correction or can be ignored.

  • variables.time: {'type':'missing'...} - The time variable is missing from the specified product.

  • dims.all_dims: {'type':'order'} - The ordering of dimensions is not consistent across products.

  • attributes {'type':'ignore'...} - Attributes that have been ignored. These may have already been edited.

  • attributes {'type':'missing'...} - Attributes that are missing from the specified product file.

  • attributes {'type':'not_equal'...} - Attributes that are not equal across products.

2. Data Report These are considered fatal errors that need a major correction or possibly a fix to the pipeline itself.

  • size_errors - The size of the array is not consistent between products.

  • dim_errors - Arrays have inconsistent dimensions (where not ignored).

  • dim_size_errors - The dimensions are consistent for a variable but their sizes are not.

  • data_errors - The data arrays do not match across products, this is the most fatal of all validation errors. The validator should give an idea of which array comparisons failed.

  • data_errors: {'type':'growbox_exceeded'...} - The variable in question could not be validated as no area could be identified that is not empty of values.

BypassSwitch Options

Certain non-fatal errors may be bypassed using the Bypass flag:

Format: -b "D"

Default: "D" # Highlighted by a '*'

"D" - * Skip driver failures - Pipeline tries different options for NetCDF (default).
    -   Only need to turn this skip off if all drivers fail (KerchunkDriverFatalError).
"F" -   Skip scanning (fasttrack) and go straight to compute. Required if running compute before scan
        is attempted.
"L" -   Skip adding links in compute (download links) - this will be required on ingest.
"S" -   Skip errors when running a subset within a group. Record the error then move onto the next dataset.

Custom Pipeline Errors

A summary of the custom errors that are experienced through running the pipeline.

exception padocc.core.errors.ArchiveConnectError(verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

Connection to the CEDA Archive could not be established

exception padocc.core.errors.ChunkDataError(verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

Overflow Error from pandas during decoding of chunk information, most likely caused by bad data retrieval.

exception padocc.core.errors.ComputeError(verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

Compute stage failed - likely due to invalid config/use of the classes

exception padocc.core.errors.ConcatFatalError(var: str | None = None, chunk1: int | None = None, chunk2: int | None = None, verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

Chunk sizes differ between refs - files cannot be concatenated

exception padocc.core.errors.ConcatenationError(verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

Variables could not be concatenated over time and are not duplicates - no known solution

exception padocc.core.errors.ExpectMemoryError(required: int = 0, current: str = '', verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

The process is expected to run out of memory given size estimates.

exception padocc.core.errors.ExpectTimeoutError(required: int = 0, current: str = '', verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

The process is expected to time out given timing estimates.

exception padocc.core.errors.KerchunkDecodeError(verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

Decoding of Kerchunk file failed - likely a time array issue.

exception padocc.core.errors.KerchunkDriverFatalError(verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

All drivers failed (NetCDF3/Hdf5/Tiff) - run without driver bypass to assess the issue with each driver type.

exception padocc.core.errors.KerchunkException(proj_code: str | None, groupdir: str | None)

Bases: Exception

General Exception type.

exception padocc.core.errors.MissingKerchunkError(verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

Kerchunk file not found.

exception padocc.core.errors.MissingVariableError(vtype: str = '$', verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

A variable is missing from the environment or set of arguments.

exception padocc.core.errors.NoOverwriteError(verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

Output file already exists and the process does not have forceful overwrite (-f) set.

exception padocc.core.errors.NoValidTimeSlicesError(message: str = 'kerchunk', verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

Unable to find any time slices to test within the object.

exception padocc.core.errors.PartialDriverError(filenums: int | None = None, verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

All drivers failed (NetCDF3/Hdf5/Tiff) for one or more files within the list

exception padocc.core.errors.SourceNotFoundError(sfile: str | None, verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

Source File could not be located.

exception padocc.core.errors.ValidationError(report_err: str | None = None, verbose: int = 0, proj_code: str | None = None, groupdir: str | None = None)

Bases: KerchunkException

One or more checks within validation have failed - most likely elementwise comparison of data.

padocc.core.errors.error_handler(err: Exception, logger: Logger, phase: str, subset_bypass: bool = False, jobid: str | None = None, status_fh: object | None = None) str

This function should be used at top-level loops over project codes ONLY - not within the main body of the package.

  1. Single slurm job failed - raise Error

  2. Single serial job failed - raise Error

  3. One of a set of tasks failed - print error for that dataset as traceback.

  • err – (Exception) Error raised within some part of the pipeline.

  • logger – (logging.Logger) Logging operator for any messages.

  • subset_bypass – (bool) Skip raising an error if this operation is part of a sequence.

  • jobid – (str) The ID of the SLURM job if present.

  • status_fh – (object) Padocc Filehandler to update status.

padocc.core.errors.worst_error(report: dict) str

Determine the worst error level and return as a string.