
Interfaces to JDMA

JDMA offers three interfaces to interact with the JDMA server. They are:

  1. JDMA command line client, command name is jdma. This should be used by most users who just wish to transfer data to JDMA from the command line.
  2. JDMA python-library, module name is jdma_lib. This should be used by users who wish to automate their workflows.
  3. JDMA HTTP-API, available directly from the JDMA server. This is recommended only for very advanced users. Users who wish to automate workflows should use the jdma_lib python-library.


JDMA has the capability of transferring user data to one or more different types of storage system using the same set of commands in the command-line client or the same calls to the python-library. These storage systems may be Elastic Tape, FTP or ObjectStore.

Some storage systems require the data to be packed into tarfiles. Each tarfile is an archive. Storage systems that do not require the data to be packed may still organise the files into archives. These can then be thought of as subdirectories of the batch root directory.

Workspaces and quotas

JDMA uses the concept of workspaces to group together data from users. This is analogous to the groupworkspaces under JASMIN.

On JASMIN, a groupworkspace is a portion of disk allocated for a project where collaborating users can share network attached storage.

For JDMA, a workspace is a portion of a storage system that collaborating users can upload and download data from. An important distinction to make is that any user who is a member of the workspace can download the data of any other user who is also in the workspace.

Each workspace has a quota that cannot be exceeded. This quota is for the whole workspace and is allocated to the workspace, not to individual members of the workspace.

A user must be a member of a workspace before they can transfer data to that workspace.


Data is arranged on the storage systems, and accounted for in JDMA, as batches.

Each put or migrate request will create one batch in JDMA, and the files in the request will be uploaded to the storage as a batch.

Subsequent get or delete requests reference the batch the user wishes to download or delete.


The external storage system may split the batch into a number of archives.

Some storage systems require the data to be packed into tarfiles. Each tarfile is then an archive.

Storage systems that do not require files to be in tarfiles may still split the batch into archives, so as to avoid lots of files, or a large volume of data, in one directory or container. Here the archives can be thought of as subdirectories of the batch root directory, and the files appear in the archive subdirectory.


Each file uploaded to JDMA is contained in an archive, which are in turn contained in a batch.


Users interact with the JDMA via requests. These may be instructions to move data (put, migrate, get, delete) or to get information about the requests (request), the user (info) or the batches (batch) uploaded to JDMA.

Requests to move data are put in a queue, with JDMA dealing with the requests on a first-come-first-served basis. JDMA carries out the requests on behalf of the user and asynchronously.


Notifications send users emails when their put, migrate, get or delete requests have completed.

Users can switch notifications on or off using the command line client.