CEDA DataPoint API

ceda-datapoint is a Python package which provides python-based search/access tools for using data primarily from the CEDA Archive. For some time we’ve been generating so-called Cloud Formats which act as representations, references or mappers to data stored in the CEDA Archive. Most of our data is in archival formats like NetCDF/HDF which makes them great for use with the HPC architecture on which the archive resides (see the JASMIN homepage for more details), but not so good for open access outside of JASMIN.

This module serves as an access layer to the CEDA STAC catalogs, where the direct pathways to these cloud formats can be searched and accessed. It is possible to use any STAC API to access our collection, but DataPoint is unique in that it is automatically configured to open cloud datasets given the configuration information in the STAC records that are searched.

v0.4.0: Zarr and COG products now supported via DataPoint, as well as Mappings for use with external APIs.

v0.4.1: Added increased support for using DataPointCloudProduct objects externally.


The datapoint package can be installed via pip, and requires Python 3.8 or later.

>>> pip install ceda-datapoint

See the section on Inspiration if you would like to learn more about why datapoint was developed and how it benefits users of CEDA data.

The long term goal is for datapoint to be included in the set of standard packages and libaries for JASMIN, in the Jaspy module.

Indices and tables